What is hepatitis A?
Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by the Hepatitis A Virus. It is common in many developing countries. Hong Kong is a region with intermediate prevalence of hepatitis A. This virus is spread through:
Children who are infected with hepatitis A often have milder symptoms than infected adults do. Hepatitis A presenting symptoms can include:
Hepatitis A would rarely cause liver failure or death. Persons recovered from the infection develop lifelong immunity against the infection.
Risk for Travellers
Most young people in Hong Kong, below the age of 30, have never been exposed to hepatitis A, and therefore are susceptible to the infection. In endemic areas, 30 to 100 cases of hepatitis A are reported per 100,000 persons each year. In general, the less hygienic the area is, the higher the chance of infection.
How can travellers prevent themselves from getting hepatitis A ?
Travellers can pay attention to their personal and food hygiene:
Vaccine and Immune Globulin
Hepatitis A vaccine does not substitute personal and food hygiene. As adults who are over 30 years old may already developed immunity against hepatitis A, hepatitis A serostatus should be checked before vaccination so as to avoid unnecessary injections and costs. A complete course of vaccination requires 2 injections, given 6 months to 18 months apart. The body takes 4 weeks to develop antibody against hepatitis A after the first vaccine injection. Therefore, travellers should start the first shot of vaccine at least one month before their journey to provide the best protection.
Travellers may also consider getting a shot of immune globulin which gives immediate but temporary protection. It is effective if the injection is given before hepatitis A exposure or within fourteen days after the exposure. Injection of immune globulin confers temporary protection to as long as 3 months. A dose of immune globulin may be given alone or in addition to hepatitis A vaccine administered at a different site.
Hepatitis A vaccine is not licensed for children younger than one year of age. Children less than one year old can consider immune globulin injection.
What are the adverse effects of Vaccine?
Who should not get hepatitis A vaccine?
Where can I get the shot?
For arrangement of hepatitis A vaccination, please consult your family doctor.